The SeaStar Foundation
Our Mission:
The SeaStar Foundation is dedicated to the understanding and the protecting of our marine
environment. We are utilizing two approaches toward this monumental task. The first approach is by enlisting the enthusiasm of youth in programs, stimulating their curiosity to learn more about this fascinating world. The second part is to assist in field research addressing specific problems that are occurring in our reefs and oceans.
We have assisted the Broward County Marine Magnet Programs for high school students to conduct studies of coral growth along the Florida barrier reefs. We also conducted studies of Great White shark predation patterns in False Bay, South Africa, producing many hours of exciting footage from small boats observing these apex predators feed.

These projects have been joint efforts, working with the Pew Institute for Ocean Science at the University of Miami, Reefquest Center for Shark Research and African Shark Eco Charters, to name a few.

In Belize we provided a “Mother Ship” for shark and coral reef studies being conducted by the
Pew Institute, and the
Guy Harvey Research Institute at Nova Southeastern University

We also provided a vessel for a portion of an Invasive Species Study conducted by The Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute of Florida.

Along with these projects we have also provided assistance to many other programs such as, NCRI National Coral Reef Institute, The University of Miami Rosenstiel school of Marine and Atmospheric Science, also Nova Southestern University Marine Program, and South Broward Marine Science Magnet School, along with a complete system of Navigation Courses .called Celestial Orienteering, and our Seatek Scholarship Program in conjunction with our partner
The United States Marine Earth Science and Ocean Research Group we will be sending .select students to SeaCamp in Big Pine Key, Florida.
So Please Join with us and be a part of our Great Work.
The SeaStar Foundation is a 501[c3] charitable organization.
All gifts are fully tax deductible